Protection Plus Solutions is paving the way for the Home Alarm Services Arena by providing background screening solutions your valued customers can rely upon.
Unlike background screening companies that provide annual background checks. Protection Plus Solutions provides a solution for home service alarm companies who are promoting residential sales and installations.
Your customers will now be able to verify the Sales Rep or Installer at their door 24/7 by simply logging into the Protection Plus Solutions website or by verifying the ID badge on your company’s website with our BadgeLINK product. To view how BadgeLINK can provide VALUE for our company please go to our website at and scroll to the bottom of the home page for a live demonstration. And BadgeLINK is FREE to our clients that use our ID badging system!
Notice that the ID badge updates EVERY month with our signature product CrimSPY that checks for criminal hits AFTER hire, not a year later. If criminal activity does occur the "Green Pass" on our website will appear as a "FAILED RED" ALERT! We will notify your company immediately and any city your Sales Reps are selling that there is an issue.
Having a problem with a city Door-to Door ordinance? No worries anymore! Protection PlusSolutions can provide the city with a list of your sales reps to insure that your Door-to-Door campaign and Sales Reps are crime-free. Moving your sales teams to a new state or new location? We’ve got you covered! Our ID badging system moves with your company and your sales reps, customers can ALWAYS see who’s at their door 24/7!
Each Protection Plus Solutions ID badge proudly displays the name of your company, your logo, the name of the Sales Rep or Service Installer, their photo, the date of expiration. PLUS.. Don’t forget, each badge is also accessible online 24-7!
Protection Plus Solutions will conduct a thorough and compliant background check that will include:
National, Federal, State and County Criminal Record Search
Social Security Record Search
Home Land Security
National Sex Offender Registry
Monthly Criminal Background Check monitoring through CrimSPY
ID Badging system that is both virtual and Hard Copy
And Lastly…. Protection Plus Solutions keeps track of ALL Names, Social Security Numbers, Dates of Birth and Drivers License numbers so a BAD Sales Rep cannot try to work for your company again through a different contractor and back-door your hiring process.
Protection Plus Solutions provides the background screening tools you need to protect your company and your customers. Visit us at to register today!
email us at: - 1877 825-5412
This is great to know! There are always people knocking at the door, always with some offer to do something for half of the typical cost. And getting a background screening on the spot is not always the most efficient. With a system like this, you can have your employees go out and sell without scaring away the customer base!