Monday, November 7, 2011
Women say duct cleaner with criminal history stalked them after slipping through background check
Monday, October 10, 2011
Are you making the RIGHT Hiring Choice?
“We provide the information you need NOW,
to make the RIGHT hiring Choice”
Ask yourself these hiring questions:
1. Do I really know everything there is to know about this person from their application?
2. Do I really know anything about the person I just let into my home to fix my Cable TV, Faucet or clean my Air Ducts?
3. Do I really know my child care provider or elder care provider?
4. Do I really trust the people that are helping me with household chores, such as cleaning, personal assistant, or gardener?
5. Do I really feel secure trusting them with my family and/or home?
If you don’t feel good about answering any one of those questions, then Protection Plus Solutions is here to help.
Don’t be fooled into making a hiring decision without checking someone’s background. Looks, body language, and personalities can be deceiving! When you run a background check with Protection Plus Solutions, we provide the tools you need to make the right hiring decision.
Protection Plus Solutions makes your hiring choice easy and affordable. The internet has become an integral part with assisting families who are seeking domestic help, such as Nannies, Elder Care Providers, and Home Care Providers, etc. Now more than ever it’s critical to know exactly WHO the person is that will be entrusted to care for your family or household needs.
Protection Plus Solutions was created by a mother and retired investigator that worked closely with local law enforcement agencies to insure safeguards for children, families and local businesses throughout the USA. Years back, we didn’t have the ability to perform online background checks we took someone’s word about their ability to perform their job or care for children and the elderly. That was then and this is NOW! Find out WHO you are hiring, find out who is taking care of your children or family member and who you’ve just let inside your home. Find out if the person you are suspicious of has a criminal record, is a pedophile or REALLY who they say they are!
Get peace of mind today knowing that you’ve made the right hiring choice by conducting a fast, inexpensive and thorough background check. Contact Protection Plus Solutions Today!
Protection Plus Solutions
696 San Ramon Valley Blvd #409
Danville, CA 94526
1 877 725-5412
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
OMG.. My Kitchen is FLOODED!
It’s Monday morning and you wake up to find water all over your kitchen floor. Your husband has a business meeting in the city and is rushing to get out the door, the kids are racing through the house getting ready for school and you’re frantically mopping up water with towels and a mop. Your husband tells you to call a plumber to come out and fix the leak as he closes the door to the garage on his way out. You get the kids in the car; drop them off at school, and rush back home to contact a plumber. You open the phone book and make a few calls but most of the local plumbers are already tied up for the day. You resort to checking Craigslist and find a Handyman/Plumber with reasonable rates available 24/7. You make a phone call; they answer immediately and tell you they’ll be out to your home within 45 minutes. You’re happy because, the mess will be fixed and you can get on with your day!
You sit with a cup of coffee by the front window of your home and notice a beat up truck trying to find a house number. After several turns around the street you realize it’s the Handyman/Plumber you called to come out to fix your leak. You notice a variety of empty Starbuck’s cups on the dashboard, and when he opens the passenger side of the truck to get out his tool box, the tools are scattered everywhere. He flicks his cigarette butt as he walks up to your front door. He is covered in tattoos; hair is not combed, and looks like he just got out of bed, not to mention that your first instinct reminds you that he looks like a CRIMINAL!
He rings the door bell… and you open the door. Do you LET HIM INSIDE? You know absolutely NOTHING about him… Do you lie and tell him that you were able to fix the problem and thank him for his time? Do you ask for an ID badge to verify his credentials?
NO… You let him inside, you need that faucet fixed so you can get on with your day………Sometimes people are lucky and sometimes they are not. You know those times you read a horror story about what happened to someone exactly like you after they let a stranger inside their home all the time! Can you REALLY take a chance like that????
This story is not uncommon. More and more you read about women or seniors being alone at home during the day and opening their doors to strangers who do them harm. From home service contractors to door- to- door salesmen to even Caregivers, “Do you REALLY KNOW who the person is that you just let into your home or office?”
Claudia Bernard, owner of Protection Plus Solutions says “People need to “wake up” and not allow people not properly identified into their home or office. If their gut feeling tells them something isn’t right then it probably isn’t. They need to have specific questions fully answered before they allow a Repairman, Caregiver or even a Door-To-Door Salesman come inside. Does the person have verification that they’re working for the company they’re representing? Do they have a visible ID badge that says who they are and a phone number to call to verify this information?
Claudia says that her company Protection Plus Solutions provides a unique background screening service that offers “peace of mind” to homeowners and business owners alike because they can verify who the individual is that works in their home or business 24/7. “We monitor employees every month, not annually. Wouldn’t you want to know immediately if your employee had a criminal issue after hire, not a year later? Plus our ID badgeLINK system allows companies “Free of Charge” to post ID badges on their website that links back to ours to show customers that the person coming to their home is Crime-FREE if they use our background screening products.” For additional information regarding BadgeLINK please visit them at
cable sales,
Cable TV,
door to door sales,
green energy,
outside sales,
renewable energy
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Protection Plus Solutions: Say, what??? You didn't Run a Background Check, ar...
Protection Plus Solutions: Say, what??? You didn't Run a Background Check, ar...: "Did you know that Fortune 500 companies still don't get the fact that background screening is critical for the protection of the home owner ..."
Say, what??? You didn't Run a Background Check, are you that foolish??
Did you know that Fortune 500 companies still don't get the fact that background screening is critical for the protection of the home owner they service? If you think that you can put an employee out in the field without running a proper background check read this....
Domino's, which settled a lawsuit with a Nebraska woman who was raped by David Taitte, one of its deliverymen, notes that it delivers over 7 million pizzas a week and this was the first incident of its kind.
The company canceled the contract with the local franchise because it failed to check Taitte's driving record, but it does not require its franchise owners to do criminal background checks. Company officials say the procedure would be too expensive and complicated.
Taitte is serving 25-30 years in a Nebraska prison for the rape. At the time he applied for his job at Domino's, he had already been in jail 16 times, including once for sexual assault. He says he knew Domino's would not hire him if he admitted to his convictions. So he left the box blank on the application where it asked if he was a felon.
Taitte argues that denying ex-cons jobs keeps them from rehabilitating themselves. "They already served their time and they're just looking to try to get a new job — start a new life."
But Oakland County prosecutor Jim Anderson, whose office handled both the Ferminick and the Spooner-Dean murders, calls the issue a "no-brainer." Consultant Barry Shamis, like Anderson, believes that people are put at risk when companies fail to do background checks on workers who provide in-home services. "If you don't do criminal background checks, you're making a huge mistake."
Claudia Bernard, owner of Protection Plus Solutions says "We get asked all the time about how a company can save money by running the bear minimum on a background check. We simply tell them, we don't operate that way. Protection Plus Solutions is here to protect the home owner and your business. If you can't afford to run a background check on your employees or 1099 contractors, you shouldn't be in business." Bernard says.that her background screening company monitors sales reps every month, not annually like other background screening companies. She said that her companies ID badging system allows home owners, business owners, and law enforcement the ability to view and verify information about an employee by logging into their website 24/7. Bernard says, " what happens if an employee gets into trouble after they've been hired and have been working for awhile, if an annual background check is performed you'd never know until the following year. Our monthly monitoring system checks for criminal convictions every month. If there is a "hit:" after hire, we pull the ID badge immediately and place Failed on our website. We're all about safety and security when hiring."
To check Protection Plus Solutions monthly monitoring ID badging system copy and paste this number 123987539852 -then paste it into Verify Badge on their website at
Sunday, April 3, 2011
I got MORE than an Upgrade!
Protection Plus Solutions: WARNING!!!! CRIMINAL HIRED!!!!
Consider this scen...: "WARNING!!!! CRIMINAL HIRED!!!! Consider this scenario. Employer “X” contracts with a Fortune 500 company to perform “door to door cab..."
Consider this scen...: "WARNING!!!! CRIMINAL HIRED!!!! Consider this scenario. Employer “X” contracts with a Fortune 500 company to perform “door to door cab..."
I got MORE than an Upgrade!
In March of 2011 Protection Plus Solutions was made aware of two individuals that had defrauded several families out of nearly $35,000 after they’d been soliciting (door to door) home owners for various services including Cable TV and Renewable Energy. The two gentlemen in question obtained employment by working as 1099 contractors with various door to door marketing companies that targeted more affluent neighborhoods. With the information they obtained from their customers after selling them an upgrade or new product, they took this information and obtained credit cards and various other consumer products. Buyer BEWARE …This is IDENTITY THEFT.
With the high turnover of employees in door to door sales, it is not unusual for a potential employee to have worked at a number of door to door marketing companies in the recent past. Given the amount of customer information obtained, best practices should require that all references and prior employment be checked on each and every employee. In addition, a background check should also be done. One safeguard that Protection Plus Solutions has in place for after hire employment is CrimSPY, which re-runs a background check every month on your employee. Should a criminal hit be found after hire, Protection Plus Solutions notifies both the Corporate Offices and the Contractor immediately.
With the high turnover of employees in door to door sales, it is not unusual for a potential employee to have worked at a number of door to door marketing companies in the recent past. Given the amount of customer information obtained, best practices should require that all references and prior employment be checked on each and every employee. In addition, a background check should also be done. One safeguard that Protection Plus Solutions has in place for after hire employment is CrimSPY, which re-runs a background check every month on your employee. Should a criminal hit be found after hire, Protection Plus Solutions notifies both the Corporate Offices and the Contractor immediately.
PROTECTION PLUS SOLUTIONS ALERT! Failure to run a background check on a new employee who services the consumer may be considered “failure to use reasonable safeguards” in the protection of consumer information. More and more identity thieves have been obtaining employment for the sole purpose of acquiring valuable customer information. With the downward trend in the economy, identity thieves now target door to door sales jobs for this very reason!
Corporate and Sub-Contractors may worry about the cost of background checks for each and every hire, but the cost of not running a proper background check could be much higher. Each time a sales rep provides a new customer with a privacy statement they’re promising the customer in writing that they take reasonable safeguards to protect their consumer information. Reasonable safeguards must include knowing who your employees are and whether or not you have just hired an individual or individuals that have questionable concerns on their background check. A powerful attorney would have a field day with this one and your liability for not conducting a background check is MIND BLOWING especially with today’s litigation happy society!
You owe it to your company and to your customers to run a thorough background check. Don’t let your company end up as a headline in the Newspaper, on TV news or on the Internet! Hire with the knowledge of who your Sales Reps REALLY are…!!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Consider this scenario. Employer “X” contracts with a Fortune 500 company to perform “door to door cable sales”. The Fortune 500 Company does have a contract with Employer “X” to insure that background screening is performed, but never checks the credibility of the background checks they’re supposedly running.
Employer “X” hires 2 Sales Reps to sell cable in residential neighbors, but conducts no criminal or background search prior to hiring. Both Sales Reps gets into a verbal altercation with a customer of Employer “X”. The verbal altercation leads to a physical altercation with the one of the Sales Reps beating up the customer. The other Sales Rep smashes a window and destroys the customer’s property. The customer ends up in the hospital and suffers physical injuries. After Employer “X” is sued by the customer, it comes to light that both Sales Reps have a criminal record for assault and battery including theft. The customer also sues the Fortune 500 Company for failure to insure that Employer “X” has performed the necessary background checks for both Sales Reps. The news media gets involved and although they mention the name employer “X”, they have a field day blasting the fortune 500 company all over the internet and local news stations! Customers are now worried about opening their doors to a Cable Door to Door Sales Rep and the Fortune 500 companies sales drop 35% Nationwide!
Employer “X” is sued for, among other claims, ”negligent hiring”, but the Fortune 500 company has deeper pockets and thus winds up with a multi-million dollar law suit against them and a mountain of legal costs!
So, what exactly is negligent hiring? This “negligent hiring” holds employers responsible to third parties who are injured by employees when the employer has failed to carefully select competent and safe employees.
In essence, the claim is that Employer “X” and the Fortune 500 company were both obligated to their customer to insure that a thorough criminal background check was performed.
The Tort Reform Act of 1999 provides employers with a defense to negligent hiring claims if they conduct effective pre-hiring background checks. The statute, entitled “Employer Presumption Against Negligent Hiring” applies to negligent hiring claims against an employer based upon negligent acts taken by that employer’s employee.
The statute creates a presumption that an employer exercised reasonable care in selecting an employee if the employer conducted a “background investigation” that “did not reveal any information that reasonably demonstrated the unsuitability of the prospective employee for the particular work to be performed for the employment in general.”
This is why a Criminal Background Check is imperative to ANY employer, but more crucial for employers who hire employees that work in the Home Service Industry, especially if they enter a customer’s home.
To obtain the benefit of this presumption, the employer must:
2. Make reasonable efforts to contact references and former employers of the prospective employee concerning the prospective employee’s suitability for employment.
3. Require that the prospective employee complete a job application, which includes questions concerning whether the prospective employee has ever been convicted of a crime.
4. obtain, with authorization from other prospective employee, a check of the driver’s license record (if relevant to the work to be performed); and
5. Interview the prospective employee.
Thus, all employers should conduct background checks that comply with requirement numbers 1-5 above.
Why Choose Protection Plus Solutions??
Protection Plus Solutions, provides the most comprehensive background screening services for “door to door sales”.
We provide monthly monitoring, not annually of your Sales Reps and Sub-Contractors. We also make each Sales Rep and Sub-Contractor sign a waiver allowing corporate the ability to review information about the Sales Rep at all times.
Protection Plus Solutions ID Badging system allows home owners, business owners, and law enforcement the ability to review information about your sales rep 24/7 by logging into our secured website.
Wouldn’t you want to know NOW if your Sales Rep got into trouble after they’ve been hired? Our CrimSPY feature monitors your Sales Rep every month. Safe and Secure background screening is what Protection Plus Solutions is all about. Contact us today, hire safe and smart with PPS!
1 877 725-5412
email us at:
background check,
background screening,
Cable TV,
direct marketing,
door to door,
door to door sales,
feet on the street,
outside sales
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Protection Plus Solutions: SHOUT SHOUT... LET IT ALL OUT!!!!!
Protection Plus Solutions: SHOUT SHOUT... LET IT ALL OUT!!!!!: "Did you know that many companies contract their work out to help make a bigger profit? Did you also know that many companies don’t run ..."
Did you know that many companies contract their work out to help make a bigger profit? Did you also know that many companies don’t run a thorough
background check on the contractors they work with?
With the minimal costs of running a background check, common sense would make you think that companies just wouldn’t want the liability or the worry that a contractor might hire employees that have a criminal record. Partnerships can be a viable relationship if they both hire competent employees that are crime free!
But, did you know that 90% of American companies neglect to run contractor screening and criminal checks on these partners. Sure some companies may run a background check on their workers but most of the companies never bother to actually check out the company owners themselves!
This means only one out of ten companies actually do their due diligence and run a proper background check. Contractors can be the root of growing a company, but if you don’t run a proper background screen on them they can also be the greatest risk factor your company will ever know. Companies need to understand that they cannot ignore that risk because it can carry a large monetary consequence and ruin their credibility in the industry they’ve worked so hard to develop.
Many contractors think that they know their employees. It’s used to be a “Good Old Boys Club” says Nathan Manos of “Manos’ Home Repair” I used to hire employees because they worked for someone I knew or they had a good resume. However, I can’t do that anymore if I want to grow my business. I have a reputation and have been in business for nearly 20 years. I recently ran background checks on all my employees and found that two of my guys had been in trouble. One in particular was still on probation. Although they didn’t hurt anyone, I still couldn’t take a chance that if they got depressed or upset that they might take it out on one of my customers. The risk, worry, and liability isn’t worth it, I had to let them go! Thank goodness I contacted Protection Plus Solutions. My employees are monitored every month and home owners can see their background check on line before they come to their house. It’s provided an overwhelming sense of credibility to my company and has increased my customer growth because of it. I couldn’t be more pleased.”
Protection Plus Solutions wants you to know that negligent hiring can cost your company thousand if not millions of dollars in legal fees, not to mention your company’s reputation. With Protection Plus Solutions fast, thorough and effective background screening products are available to companies who hire home service workers, caregivers, door to door sales crews etc. Ensuring greater safety and security when hiring can be a simple process. Contract us today for additional information and pricing. We’re here to help protect your business, and the customers you service.
background check on the contractors they work with?
But, did you know that 90% of American companies neglect to run contractor screening and criminal checks on these partners. Sure some companies may run a background check on their workers but most of the companies never bother to actually check out the company owners themselves!
This means only one out of ten companies actually do their due diligence and run a proper background check. Contractors can be the root of growing a company, but if you don’t run a proper background screen on them they can also be the greatest risk factor your company will ever know. Companies need to understand that they cannot ignore that risk because it can carry a large monetary consequence and ruin their credibility in the industry they’ve worked so hard to develop.
Did you know that there is an overwhelming number of US court cases that have made companies accountable for not providing the proper background screening on their employees? A Superior Court case out of Alameda County, California, found a company negligent in not obtaining a background check on a man who had been recently paroled from prison with multiple robbery convictions, then brutally murdered a women in her home. The company was held liable and the jury awarded millions of dollars to the victims family.
ABC’s 20/20 says “The case showed that employers can be held responsible for the actions of their employees, and the importance of a proper background check should be a wake-up call to all employers.
Many contractors think that they know their employees. It’s used to be a “Good Old Boys Club” says Nathan Manos of “Manos’ Home Repair” I used to hire employees because they worked for someone I knew or they had a good resume. However, I can’t do that anymore if I want to grow my business. I have a reputation and have been in business for nearly 20 years. I recently ran background checks on all my employees and found that two of my guys had been in trouble. One in particular was still on probation. Although they didn’t hurt anyone, I still couldn’t take a chance that if they got depressed or upset that they might take it out on one of my customers. The risk, worry, and liability isn’t worth it, I had to let them go! Thank goodness I contacted Protection Plus Solutions. My employees are monitored every month and home owners can see their background check on line before they come to their house. It’s provided an overwhelming sense of credibility to my company and has increased my customer growth because of it. I couldn’t be more pleased.”
Protection Plus Solutions wants you to know that negligent hiring can cost your company thousand if not millions of dollars in legal fees, not to mention your company’s reputation. With Protection Plus Solutions fast, thorough and effective background screening products are available to companies who hire home service workers, caregivers, door to door sales crews etc. Ensuring greater safety and security when hiring can be a simple process. Contract us today for additional information and pricing. We’re here to help protect your business, and the customers you service.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Protection Plus Solutions: Do you think it's necessary to run a background ch...
Protection Plus Solutions: Do you think it's necessary to run a background ch...: "The answer to this question is ABSOLUTELY! Many companies typically do a yearly background check, but what happens if an employee gets int..."
Do you think it's necessary to run a background check on an already established employee?

Many companies typically do a yearly background check, but what happens if an employee gets into trouble after they’ve been hired? You’d never know until the following year that there was an issue. This could cause serious consequences for your company and your valued customers.
Protection Plus Solutions provides an array of background screening products that are tailored for the home service industry, but we take it to a whole new level. Once an employee has passed Protection Plus Solutions background screening requirements, they’re provided with a unique ID badge or virtual bade. This ID badge can be viewed by you or your customers 24/7 by logging into our website and entering the serial number from their badge.
The ID badge will display your approved logo; provide the customer with a picture of the employee, their date of birth, the date of the most recent background check, the physical location where they work, plus the phone number of that location and your corporate office information.
We place each of employees on our CrimSPY watch program that monitors them monthly for any sort of criminal activity. If for any reason the employee has an issue or has been arrested, the ID badge is immediately pulled and we notify your office and/or corporate that this employee has an issue. We also place a FAILED symbol by their ID badge on our website.
CrimSPY also provides important information for employers. If they quit or are released for any reason from one location and apply for a position with any of your other locations, you are alerted that this is duplication. Even if no criminal activity has occurred, this will allow the opportunity for your own internal investigation as to any possible work performance issues or other issues of concern at previous locations. We also track your employee’s social security numbers so that someone else cannot use it to work for from one location to the next. This has been an issue for many companies in certain US regions.
You may already be using a background screening company for your employee hiring, but Protection Plus Solutions can assure you that once you see our products and what they can do for your customers and your business you will want to change. Protection Plus Solutions is here to make all your hiring needs SAFE and SECURE!
Copy this ID badge # 123987539852 and click here to view a badge!
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Sunday, January 9, 2011
Protection Plus Solutions: New Policies for a New Year
Protection Plus Solutions: New Policies for a New Year: "The New Near is a time for New Year’s resolutions, and 2011 is no different. So, along with losing weight, exercising daily, and being a bet..."
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
New Policies for a New Year
The New Near is a time for New Year’s resolutions, and 2011 is no different. So, along with losing weight, exercising daily, and being a better person in general, you should consider one more resolution: protecting your Company from legal difficulties.
An often overlooked task during this season is updating your files. Check all your contracts, employee new hire packets, and forms, as well as any literature you have to get ready for 2011. Make sure to research for local, state, or federal regulatory changes which may affect you. It’s easy to forget and you may not end up making any changes at all, but the effects of not complying with new regulations or updating the language in your contracts can be devastating.
As you look through these forms ask yourself if there is anything you can do better; that includes updating your policy on background checks. Whether you have never run a background check in your life, or you run them yearly for all employees, there are always things to consider. Perhaps you have begun using company vehicles and need to add Motor Vehicle checks to your background check authorization form. Maybe you are sending employees into people’s homes and want to let your customers know they can feel secure with your company- this might mean monthly monitoring, Photo ID Badging with online verification, or both.
Drug tests are an important element in the criminal background screening repertoire. Many companies elect not to purchase drug tests because of the higher costs associated with them as opposed to a national instant criminal check. However, now is the perfect time to reassess. Employees under the influence make poor choices and can reflect negatively on your company image. Can your company afford the costs in image, legal fees, and good reputation that you can lose if you have an employee who is using? If not, consider instant drug tests using urinalysis. These tests are fast, reliable, and less easily tampered with than non-urine based tests.
Protection Plus Solutions is here to assist you with all these issues. We can help you update your employee packet to include a customized release form if you do not already have one. We provide all the services mentioned here as well. Feel free to contact us to get personal assistance in setting up an account for your company on our website
Have a wonderful New Year!
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